A little over a year ago, I found myself getting hooked on Duolingo, an online language learning program. I’ve always really liked languages–I took Spanish […]
Building Competence in the Bathroom
Without getting into the gory details, let it be understood that bathrooms used by men may at times be less than sanitary. A well-known intervention […]
Why I’ll Abandon My Fitbit (Eventually)
Startup incubator RockHealth (which, incidentally, I think is an incredible organization) recently published a report on wearable sensors that’s grabbed a lot of attention in the […]
The Value of Feedback at Multiple Levels
One of the key tactics to support user competence through technology is providing feedback on performance. Ideally, the feedback does a few things: Acknowledges success […]
Motivate Your User Through Design Psychology: Presentation from UXPA Boston 2014
For anyone who is interested, I just uploaded my slides from today’s Motivate Your User Through Design Psychology session at UXPA Boston to SlideShare: UXPA […]
Motivational Design for Fitness Apps
I was excited to see this article on NPR: Most Fitness Apps Don’t Use Proven Motivational Techniques : Shots – Health News : NPR. I’m […]
The Power of Goals and Progress Tracking
After the Boston Marathon on Monday, the New York Times has a thought provoking analysis of marathon finish times. Theoretically, marathon finish times should be […]
Spinning by the Numbers: Harnessing a Need for Competence in the Quest for Fitness
When I was training for my marathon, it was pretty clear that I had to add in some form of cross-training. The bitter cold of last […]